Lego Movie 2 Contest Website
The Lego Movie 2 Contest Website was developed as a Walmart microsite to showcase the release of the film in theaters, as well as create a destination for an interactive contest and drive conversion for The Lego Movie 2 products on

Drawing in kids and parents through digital ads and social media, our platform invites participants to build a LEGO rescue vehicle to be entered in a contest that is judged by three Lego masters. The home page provides contestants info on how to enter and features a gallery of submissions for inspiration. Once within the submission page, users could choose from various frames and stickers to add to their submission image. Beyond the contest, a fun quiz reveals users' LEGO Movie 2 character, with results shareable on social media. The product listings directs users to Walmart for purchases, creating an engaging, inspiring, and commerce-driven online hub for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages. Other pages within the site included prices and local events.